Power Up your Supermarket with Solar Installation in Australia!

By: Miles Hingston



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Solar installation is becoming increasingly popular in Australia as businesses are looking for ways to reduce their energy costs and environmental impact. With the cost of installing solar becoming more affordable, it’s now easier than ever for supermarkets to take advantage of this renewable energy source.

Australia is a leader in renewable energy, and solar power is one of the country’s most popular energy sources. Solar installation in supermarkets is becoming increasingly popular, as it offers several benefits to business owners and customers alike.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the benefits of installing solar for supermarkets, the cost of solar installation, and the challenges of installing solar. Further, we will discuss the solar installation process, government incentives for solar installation supermarkets, and tips for a successful solar installation.

Benefits of Solar Installation for Supermarkets in Australia

There are many benefits to installing solar panels in supermarkets. Here are some of the top benefits:

1. Save money

Solar installation can help supermarkets reduce their electricity bills, as solar energy is free to generate. This can result in significant cost savings for supermarkets.

2. Increase energy efficiency

Solar energy is a renewable energy source that you can use indefinitely without depleting natural resources. This makes solar energy an efficient and sustainable way to generate electricity.

3. Improve customer experience

Solar installation can help supermarkets reduce their carbon footprint, which can be a great selling point for customers. Installing solar can also help supermarkets create a positive image in customers’ eyes for taking steps to reduce their environmental impact.

4. Increase property value

Solar installation can increase supermarkets’ value, as it is seen as an attractive and energy-efficient feature.

Challenges of Solar Installation for Supermarkets

Installing solar panels in supermarkets can be a complex process, and supermarkets may face a few challenges. Here are some of the challenges:

1. Cost

The cost of solar installation can be a barrier for some supermarkets. Installing solar can be expensive, and the installation cost can vary depending on the size of the supermarket.

2. Complexity

Solar installation can be complex and needs to be done correctly to ensure it is safe and efficient. Supermarkets will need to hire a reputable company to install their solar panels to ensure the installation is done correctly.

3. Maintenance

You must maintain solar panels and other solar equipment regularly to ensure they function correctly. This can be time-consuming and expensive for supermarkets. As you can see, there can be various challenges in installing solar in supermarkets. However, the benefits of solar installation will outweigh its challenges.

The Solar Installation Process

The process of installing solar consists of a few steps. Here is a brief overview of the process:


The first step in the process is to design the system. This includes determining the size and type of solar panels, the number of panels needed, and the best location for the system.


Once the system is designed, the next step is to install solar panels and other equipment. This includes mounting the panels on the roof and connecting all the necessary wiring.


After the system is installed, it must be commissioned to ensure it works correctly. This involves testing the electricity output and making any necessary adjustments.


After commissioning the system, you must monitor it regularly to ensure it functions correctly. This involves checking the electricity output and making any necessary adjustments.

Cost of Solar Installation for Supermarkets

The cost of installing solar in supermarkets can vary depending on the size of the supermarket and the type of system installed. Generally, the cost of solar installation for supermarkets is between $15,000 and $50,000, depending on the size and complexity of the system.

This cost includes the cost of the panels, the installation, and any other equipment needed to run the system. However, these are rough estimates and could change depending on various factors.

Therefore the best way to find the cost of your project is to call out for quotations from multiple installers. Then you can find the most suitable option that matches your budget.

Government Incentives for Solar Installation in Supermarkets

The Australian government offers several incentives to encourage businesses to install solar systems. These incentives can reduce the cost of installing solar panels in supermarkets. Some of the most common incentives include:

1. Small-scale technology certificates

This is a program that is available across Australia. Under this program, eligible small-scale renewable energy systems will get a certificate with a face value.

The number of certificates you will receive will depend on your geographical location and the amount of energy your system will generate. You can redeem these certificates by selling or assigning them.

2. Feed-in Tariffs:

You can either send the excess electricity generated by your solar system to the grid or store them in a battery. If you decide to send them to the grid, you will receive a payment from the government for the value of the electricity you supply.

This is commonly known as feed-in tariffs. You can use this payment to offset the cost of the solar installation.

3. Solar for business

This program is available only in Victoria. Under this program, eligible businesses will get a rebate of $3500 to install solar panel systems. This program further allows getting an interest-free loan of up to $5000.

Tips for a Successful Solar Installation in Supermarkets

Here are some tips for a successful solar installation in supermarkets:


It’s important to research the different solar systems available, the cost of installation, and the incentives available. This will ensure that you get the best system for your supermarket.

Call out for quotations

It is always better if you contact multiple solar installers to get several quotations. Then you can choose the best offer among them.

The quotation should be detailed and should emphasize the details like warranties and the costs of different equipment.

Hire a professional

It’s important to hire a reputable company to install your solar system. This will ensure that the system is installed correctly and safely.

Check whether the company has the necessary accreditations, and licenses to practice as a solar installer. You should also check out whether they offer a warranty for their workmanship.

A professional company will give the most valuable advice on deciding the capacity of the solar system. Further, they will advise on where to fix the system and how to get the maximum out of Government incentives.

Monitor the system

Once the system is installed, you must monitor it regularly to ensure it functions correctly. You should also ensure that the panels get maximum sunshine without any barriers. Further, solar cells should be clean to absorb the energy. This will help ensure that your system is running at its optimal efficiency.


Solar installation in supermarkets is becoming increasingly popular, as it offers several benefits to business owners and customers alike. Solar installation can help supermarkets save money on electricity bills, reduce their environmental impact, and create a positive image with customers.

In addition, the Australian government is offering several incentives to encourage businesses to install solar systems. If you’re looking to power up your supermarket with a solar installation, do your research, hire a professional, and take advantage of the incentives available.

If you want to install the perfect solar energy system and get the maximum out of solar incentives, contact Ballarat Solar Company without any delay. We have served the Ballarat community for many years and helped many businesses to install top-notch solar systems.

We can help you to obtain the rebates from the authorities. Let’s get on with the solar installation for your supermarket today.

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Miles Hingston

Miles Hingston

Owner of Ballarat Solar Company and MJ Electrician Ballarat

I have been working in the electrical business for over 20 years, and have 5 years of experience in the solar industry. Ballarat born and bred, I am a very active contributor to the community and I’m also a member of Alfredton Rotary club.We look forward to assisting you with all your solar needs. So feel free to give us a call anytime.

Michelle Rigg
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This is the 2nd house I've put solar on. I shopped around enormously and Miles from Ballarat Solar was outstanding. They are a local company, nothing was ever too much trouble and he always answered any questions I had. Josh and the crew he has working for him are very professional, knowledgeable and helpful too, especially with the app. At the time of installation I couldn't feed back in to the grid but the moment he heard that I might be able to, he offered the assistance I needed to enable this to occur, and it was done in a very timely manner. I highly recommend Miles, Josh and the team at Ballarat Solar Company and will be referring them to my family and friends for any future solar needs. :)
Tony Cawood
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The Bacchus Marsh Lions Club chose Ballarat Solar Company to install a Solar System comprising of a 15kW Inverter and 57 Solar Panels on the local Scout & Guide Hall. The company was very professional to deal with. From quote to installation was carried out on time and the workmanship was first class. The certificate of Safety was issued without a problem. I would not hesitate in recommending this company for future installations.
Rob McDougall
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Ballarat Solar Company were great to deal with, attentive to our requirements and recommended a great system that suited our needs. Nothing was too much trouble, their workers were very polite, worked hard and even cleaned up after themselves.
Robert Floky
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My dealings with the Ballarat Solar Company was an excellent experience with from start to finish. The service was professionally provided and completed with a quick and smooth turn around and no issues. I would not hesitate to recommend them to all.
Dale Whytcross
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Ballarat Solar Company are a very professional company, they came as promised, the workmanship was first class and quote was very competitive. I would recommend Ballarat Solar Company.

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